Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 07.12.2023 15:26:55 Uhr 30.04.2024 05:51:00 Uhr

Foreign Visitors

englische Flagge

The Dresden Night of Museums 2024

Next Year's Dresden Night of Museums will take place on Saturday, 8 June 2024.

The city‘s famous museums will open their doors for a long night of exhibitions, shows and events. From 6 pm in the evening to 12 pm at night you are invited to enjoy programmes presented to you by more than forty institutions.

The new programm will be published in May 2024. Meanwhile detailed information on each individual museum's programme is available for 2023. Click Museen A-Z. You will find all events complete with exact time and place. Information on where to find each and every place is included at the bottom of each museum's site. A map helps you to locate the museums in the Dresden area.

Tickets can be purchased online now:

Buy your ticket here

From May 2024 tickets will be availabe also at costomer centres and sercive points of the public transport (DVB and VVO) and in all ticket-vending machines of the public transport (DVB/VVO/Deusche Bahn) in advanve and during the event until Midnight.

More information on Tickets see Tickets & Tipps.

The ticket inlcudes

  • free entrance to all museums and institutions participating at the MUSEUMSNACHT DRESDEN between 6 to 12 pm and free transport on all regular routes of the Public Transport (DVB and VVO) between 2 pm and 4 am next morning.
tschechische Flagge

Informace pro naše české hosty:

Kulturní pas Euroregionu Elbe/Labe opravňuje ke vstupu po zaplacení zlevněného vstupného. S touto vstupenkou na akci »Noc muzeí« můžete přicestovat a odcestovat autobusy a tramvajemi z pohraničních zastávek. Vstupenka s jízdenkou je k dispozici ve všech automatech veřejné dopravy (VVO) a Deutsche Bahn.